Learning with Horses Scotland
Set in the heart of Robert Burns Country, next to the world-famous golf courses of Troon, Learning with Horses Scotland helps businesses, individuals and horse people realise their potential by gaining a true insight into who they are and how others perceive their behaviour. This is a precious gift horses naturally give when they interact with people.
Without fear or favour
Horses judge you not based on the car you drive, your title, or your bank balance. They judge you based on how much they can trust you, how open you are, and how you behave towards them. They read body language accurately and mirror your behaviour right back at you without fear or favour.
Experience the benefits
Their survival is based on their ability to live in the moment, add this to their honesty and ability to read human body language accurately and we get the opportunity to learn, make changes and immediately experience the benefits makes changes brings.
At Leaning With Horses, explore different ways of thinking and different leadership styles, better define your strengths and strengthen your weaknesses, work more effectively as a team, and build better relationships. It’s fun, gets you back to nature and, best of all, it really works.
Company: Learning With Horses
Name: Lee Watson Hall
Country: Scotland
8 Harperland,
By Pass Road,
South Ayrshire,
Phone: 01563 850590
Mobile Phone: 07791366239
E-mail: lee@lwhscotland.co.uk
Website: www.learningwithhorses.co.uk