Sunt Coach Transformational
Sunt Coach Transformational, membru ICF (International Coach Federation), si totodata trainer certificat HorseDream. Am infiintat Horse Input deoarece combinand aceasta pasiune pentru cai, cu pregatirea din domeniul coachingului, dar si cu experienta din corporate am ajuns la concluzia ca invatarea prin experienta sta la baza transformarii noastre ca si invivizi. Dedicarea mea fata de educarea continua si dezvoltarea personala ma ajuta sa ma expun constant unor noi moduri de gandire si raportare la diverse situatii. Ma adresez echipelor de management in seminarii si workshopuri unde folosesc caii ca si parteneri care sa ma ajute sa transform liderii accesandu-le intreaga putere si intelepciunea interioara atunci cand vine vorba nu doar despre ei ca si lideri care conduc o echipa, o companie, dar totodata si propria lor viata.
I am a Transformative Coach
I am a Transformative Coach, member of ICF (International Coach Federation), and I am also a certified HorseDream trainer. I have created Horse Input because combining the passion for horses, with my preparation in the coaching field, but also with my corporate experience, I reached the conclusion that experiential coaching is the foundation for our transformation as human beings. My dedication to continuous education and personal development helps me to constantly expose myself to new ways of thinking and to new ways of addressing different situations. I target management teams in seminars and workshops where I use horses as my partners in helping me transform leaders by accessing their full power and inner wisdom when it comes not only about leading a team, a company, but also their own lives.
Company: Horse Input
Name: Alice Besesek
Country: Romania
Mobile Phone: +40 40744428518
E-mail: contact@horseinput.com
Website: www.horseinput.com