Lynn Jenkin, Australia

Company: Horsanity
Name: Lynn Jenkin
Country: Australia

PO Box 92
NSW 2420

Phone: +61 (0)249921158
Mobile Phone: +61 (0) 400376106

Lynn is a seeker of ideas, truths, facts and solutions. Not content with a limited horizon she works with her clients to explore the system and their own reality and unearth the ways to maximize their contribution as a business, a team or as an individual to the challenges and opportunities faced.

Lynn brings a lifetime of learning the art of presence, mindfulness and the living systemic approach from the masters, her horses. A travelling upbringing and enquiring mind combined with a love of learning has led her through a series of incarnations as teacher, scientist, businesswoman, chartered accountant and systemic adviser. Through her ability to ask the deep questions, Lynn facilitates understanding of self, of leadership skills and business challenges, leading to profound, empowered change. She combines the rigour of academic learning with the embodied wisdom gained from living amongst her herd.